Saturday, January 16, 2016

Hey all!

Well everyone, this is my first blog... I'm not entirely sure how much I will love it but I am definitely ready to try it out. 

So here's a LITTLE glimpse of deciding to major in Secondary Education... :)

I grew up in a Christian home, Christian school (check it out, it's an awesome place). I had a GREAT education. Small schools definitely are not always fun but undoubtedly have more singled attention from the faculty. I did not always enjoy being in high school with the same people from kindergarten, where everyone knew everything about everyone. But it made me who I am today.

In this small school called Kalamazoo Christian, I grew very close to students and faculty. I was always talking to and bonding with someone. Since I was young, I was told by many teachers that I was going to make an awesome teacher someday. I did not want to teach because that is what they all told me to do. I wanted to find my own path. I did have an interest though, as I graded many papers for a teacher that was very dear to me. I helped students in her class, graded, organized, made copies, whatever she needed and I loved it. But I had my mind set on finding another career to be my own... 

My senior year I helped in two first grade classrooms every morning.

(Some of those awesome first graders are pictured on the right; they called me Miss Megan, so cute.) I came during their reading and writing time, often pulling them aside in groups to tell time or do math problems. Although I did not particularly love the age group, I realized how much I loved English and teaching it. This interest was also evident in my high school English classes. I went off to college not necessarily knowing what to do for a career path.

A month or so into my college journey, I went to career counseling and took a test and talked with a counselor. Guess what was on my top 8 jobs? Teaching. Whether it be elementary, middle, high school, school coach, or even being a school counselor. That is when I admitted to myself that I needed to give in to what others have been telling me my whole life, JUST BE A TEACHER. And now I can say, I am SUPER excited. 

It takes awhile to realize these things, but now I have nothing more to say... These teachers and other faculty pushed me to be my best my entire life. Now I am going to do what they did for me. I hope to inspire children to work hard, find themselves for who they are, and help them reach their potential. I am so grateful for these teachers, the office ladies, the principal... for teaching me, for being an example of how I should live my life, for the glory of God. I am so grateful for them and the potential I am striving to reach because they believed, loved, and cared for me.

Oh, and WMU is changing my life like crazy now! I love this school, the opportunity it brings, the openness of the students and faculty, and I am so blessed to be here. This is the start of a new portion of my life, following God's plan that He has in store for me, here at WMU.


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